Zhu Nian for late Madam Goh Saw Ai

Zhu Nian Date/Time
26/06/2020 (星期五) @ 8.00pm
Deceased Name
Sister Goh Saw Ai (吴素爱师姐)
马秀清师姐 Sister Beh Siew Kheng (吴素爱师姐是马秀清丈夫的嫂嫂 Sister Goh Saw Ai is the sister-in-law of husband of Sister Beh)
Wake Address
Klang, Selangor (巴生新福兴生命礼仪殡仪馆)
Date of Death
25/06/2020 (Thursday 星期四)
Date of Funeral
28/06/2020 @ 11am
Special Note
Sister Beh Siew Kheng is ex-staff and current experienced volunteer of Than Hsiang KL&Selangor (马秀清师姐是雪隆檀香前职员及资深义工)