Zhu Nian for late Madam Goh Saw Ai

Zhu Nian Date/Time
26/06/2020 (星期五) @ 8.00pm
Deceased Name
Sister Goh Saw Ai (吴素爱师姐)
马秀清师姐 Sister Beh Siew Kheng (吴素爱师姐是马秀清丈夫的嫂嫂 Sister Goh Saw Ai is the sister-in-law of husband of Sister Beh)
Wake Address
Klang, Selangor (巴生新福兴生命礼仪殡仪馆)
Date of Death
25/06/2020 (Thursday 星期四)
Date of Funeral
28/06/2020 @ 11am
Special Note
Sister Beh Siew Kheng is ex-staff and current experienced volunteer of Than Hsiang KL&Selangor (马秀清师姐是雪隆檀香前职员及资深义工)

2 Replies to “Zhu Nian for late Madam Goh Saw Ai”

  1. 助念佛号功德回向于已故吳素爱菩萨,愿西方弥陀接引,花开见佛往生殊胜净土,阿弥陀佛!🙏🙏🙏

  2. Sharing the merits through mediation practice and mantra chanting with Sis Goh Saw Ai. May she be free from suffering in this samsara. May she be blessed with Triple Gem, and take rebirth in Amitabha Buddha’s Pureland 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  3. 念佛功德回向于已故吴素愛菩萨,蒙阿弥陀佛接引,往生西方极乐世界。阿弥陀佛!

  4. 念大悲咒,心经,水仟下卷回向功德己故吴素爱菩萨往生极乐国🙏

  5. 早课,念地藏经及水忏(下卷)功德回向已故吴素爱菩萨,离苦得乐,往生西方净土,品位增上,速證无上菩提。阿弥陀佛。

  6. 阿弥陀佛🙏早晚课和慈悲水忏的功德回向予已故吴素爱菩萨,愿已故吴素爱菩萨佛光普照,业障消除,报土庄严,速往弥陀莲花极乐净土,速证莲花品位,花开见佛!南无阿弥陀佛🙏🙏🙏

  7. 颂念八十八佛大忏悔文及晚课的功德回向已故吴素爱菩萨,愿阿弥陀佛及菩萨接引,往生西方极乐世界。

  8. 爪夷祥云净苑常住众晚课后把早晚二课功德回向已故吴素爱菩萨,弥陀接引,往生西方极乐世界。阿弥陀佛。

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