Zhunian for the late Mr. Bounthiang Sounthone

Zhu Nian Chanting Date/Time
29 Aug 2020 (Saturday)
8pm (Malaysia time)
Deceased Name
Mr. Bounthiang Sounthone (邦良松松先生)
Venerable Saksith Sounthone – Son
(萨希法师 – 儿子)
Wake Address
Champasak district, Dontalad village, Laos.
Date of Death
27 Aug 2020 (农历七月初九)
Funeral Date
30 Aug 2020
Special Note
Venerable Saksith completed Master of Arts (Buddhist Studies) at International Buddhist College (IBC). Venerable is also male warden of IBC (萨希法师完成了国际佛教大学的佛学硕士学位课程,法师也是大学的男众舍监)