Zhunian for the late Mr. Bounthiang Sounthone

Zhu Nian Chanting Date/Time
29 Aug 2020 (Saturday)
8pm (Malaysia time)
Deceased Name
Mr. Bounthiang Sounthone (邦良松松先生)
Venerable Saksith Sounthone – Son
(萨希法师 – 儿子)
Wake Address
Champasak district, Dontalad village, Laos.
Date of Death
27 Aug 2020 (农历七月初九)
Funeral Date
30 Aug 2020
Special Note
Venerable Saksith completed Master of Arts (Buddhist Studies) at International Buddhist College (IBC). Venerable is also male warden of IBC (萨希法师完成了国际佛教大学的佛学硕士学位课程,法师也是大学的男众舍监)

13 Replies to “Zhunian for the late Mr. Bounthiang Sounthone”

  1. Thank you so much Venerable, brothers, and sisters for your kindly transfer merit to my father. I wish all of you have a good health, and be happy.
    Amituofo, 🙏🏻
    Ven. Saksith

  2. 早课大悲咒、心经、佛说阿弥陀经、佛号,回向于已故Bounthiang Sounthone老菩萨,祈愿弥陀接引往生西方极乐净土,花开见佛悟无生,阿弥陀佛!🙏🙏🙏

  3. Sharing the merit with the late Mr. Bounthiang Sounthone after morning chanting, recitation of Amitabha Buddha name and mayhe be free from suffering and attain Nibbana.🙏🙏🙏

  4. Bro Tan and myself had transferred merits to the late Bounthiang Sounthone after attending Virtual Retreat by Luang Por Viradhammo.
    May he RIP. 🙏🙏🙏

  5. Sharing merit with the belove late father of Venerable through this evening chanting, may he take rebirth and attain Nirvana. Amitabha🙏

    1. 🙏愿早课,念佛及念地藏经的功德回向给已故Bounthiang Sounthone老菩萨,离苦得乐,往生西方凈土,品位增上,速證无上菩提,阿弥陀佛🙏

  6. Transfering merit to the late Mr. Bounthiang Sounthone through chanting of Amitabha’s name. May he have a good rebirth and finally attain Nirvana. Amituofo.

  7. Amituofo. Transfering merit to the late Mr. Bounthiang Sounthone after chanting of Amitabha Sutra, Great Compassion Mantra and Heart Sutra. Pray he reborn in Pureland and attain Nibbana.

  8. 阿弥陀佛🙏早课和今日慈悲三昧水忏(上,中和下卷)的念佛功德回向予已故邦良松松先生,愿已故邦良松松先生佛光普照,业障消除,拔苦予乐,报土庄严,往生弥陀极乐莲花邦,花开见佛!南无阿弥陀佛🙏🙏🙏

  9. Sharing merit with the late Mr. Bounthiang Sounthone after evening chanting, recitation of Amitabha Buddha name and 88 Buddhas Repentence Chanting today. May he be free from suffering and attain Nibbana.

  10. Sharing the merits through evening chanting at Pure Lotus Hospice with Bounthiang Sounthone. May he be free from the suffering in this samsara, be blessed by Triple Gem, and attained nibbana. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  11. The monastic n lay members of Than Hsiang branch at Jawi (Xiang Yun Jing Yuan) transferred the merits of morning n evening services to the late Mr Bounthiang Sounthone. May he have a good rebirth n finally attain Nirvana. Amituofo

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