Zhu Nian for the late Ms. Roselind Teoh Phaik Ee

Zhu Nian Date/Time
13 Oct 2020 (8pm)
Deceased Name
Sister Roselind Teoh Phaik Ee (张碧意师姐)
Mr. Teoh Khye Saya – Brother (张师兄 – 胞弟)
Wake Address
Unit # A, United Hokkien Cemetery, Batu Gantung, Penang, Malaysia (马来西亚槟城峇都眼东联合福建公冢 – A 格)
Date of Death
12 Oct 2020 (农历八月二十六)
Funeral Date
16 Oct 2020
Special Note
Sister Roselind Teoh Phaik Ee is devotee of Than Hsiang temple, she also attended the Than Hsiang Temple 8 precepts event (张碧意师姐是檀香寺的佛友, 师姐有参加八关斋戒)

17 Replies to “Zhu Nian for the late Ms. Roselind Teoh Phaik Ee”

  1. 阿彌陀佛🙏早课和今日八关斋戒的念佛功德回向予已故张碧意菩萨,愿已故张碧意菩萨佛光普照,业障消除,报土庄严,彌陀接引极乐莲花邦!花开见佛悟无生!南摩阿彌陀佛🙏🙏🙏

  2. 阿彌陀佛🙏早课和今日八关斋戒念佛的功德回向予已故张碧意菩萨,愿已故张碧意菩萨佛光普照,业障消除,永得安乐,报土庄严,速往彌陀极乐莲花邦!花开见佛!南摩阿彌陀佛🙏🙏🙏

  3. 阿彌陀佛🙏早晚课和助念的功德回向予已故张碧意菩萨,愿已故张碧意菩萨业障消除,报土庄严,永得安乐,速往彌陀极乐莲花邦!花开见佛!南摩阿彌陀佛🙏🙏🙏

  4. Anniça vata sankhara
    Uppadavaya dhammino
    Uppajitva niruljjhanti
    Tesan vupo samo sukkho.

    May rosy have the best of rebirths and may she attain nibbana.

  5. Sharing the merit of morning chanting and 88 Buddhas Great Repentance chanting with Sister Rosalind Teoh Phaik Ee. Pray she reborn in Western Pure Land and attain Nibbana.

    1. The family of late Roselind Teoh Phaik Ee sharing of merits of chanting for our beloved sister, aunt and grand aunt . May she attain enlightenment. Amitabha.🙏

  6. 念诵“阿弥陀经、赞佛偈、大悲咒、心经”声声佛号回向于已故张碧意老菩萨,祈愿阿弥陀佛接引,往生西方极乐国,花开见佛,莲池海会佛菩萨!阿弥陀佛!🙏🙏🙏

  7. 念诵大悲咒,心经,佛说阿弥陀经,佛号功德回向于张碧意师姐往生极乐国

  8. 念诵大悲咒,心经,佛说阿弥陀经功德回向于张碧意师姐往生极乐国🙏🙏🙏

  9. 念佛号功德回向于已故张碧意师姐,祈愿弥陀接引往生西方极乐净土,花开见佛悟无生,阿弥陀佛!🙏🙏🙏

  10. 阿彌陀佛🙏早晚课和助念的功德回向予已故张碧意菩萨,愿已故张碧意菩萨佛光普照,业障消除,报土庄严,速往彌陀极乐莲花邦!花开见佛!南摩阿彌陀佛🙏🙏🙏

  11. 愿念佛号功德回向已故张碧意师姐往生西方极乐世界,同生净土,同圆种智。
    阿彌陀佛 🙏🙏🙏

  12. The residents of Jawi Xiang Yun Jing Yuan transferred the Merits of Morning & Evening service to sister Teoh Phaik Ee. May sister take rebirth in the Western Pureland, and ultimately attain Enlightenment. Amituofo.

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