Zhu Nian for the late Madam Choo Ah Moy

Zhu Nian Date/Time (助念日期/时间)30 Dec 2020 @ 8.00pm
Deceased Name (往生者)Madam Choo Ah Moy
Madam Teoh Mei Ling-daughter (女儿)
Wake Address
Unit # F , Leng How Koe Funeral Parlour 8, Jalan Paya Terubong, 11060 Penang, Malaysia (马来西亚槟城灵孝阁殡仪馆 – F 格)
Date of Death
28 Dec 2020 (农历十一月十四)
Funeral Date
1 Jan 2021
Special Note
The deceased is the donor of San Sheng Dian (往生者是三圣殿功德主)