Zhu Nian for the late Mr. Tan Soon Guan

Zhu Nian Date/Time
18 July 2021 @ 8.00pm
Deceased Name
Mr. Tan Soon Guan
Sister Tan Siew Choo – sister
(陈秀珠师姐 – 妹妹)
Wake Address
Unit E, Kwang Tung & Teng Chow Association Funeral Parlour,
(槟榔屿广东暨汀州会馆殡仪馆 – E 格)
Date of Death
18 July 2021
Funeral Date
20 July 2021
Special Note
The late Mr. Tan Soon Guan is the brother of Sister Tan Siew Choo, who is the devotee of Than Hsiang Temple.
NAMO AMITUOFO 东林佛号 (南无阿弥陀佛) by Imee Ooi 黄慧音