Zhu Nian for the late Mr. Chua Tiow Eng

Zhu Nian Date/Time
8 Aug 2021 (8pm)
Deceased Name
Mr. Chua Tiow Eng (蔡兆应先生)
Sister Fu Yek Ming – niece (符月明师姐 – 外甥女)
Wake Address
237, Jalan SJ5/12-B, Taman Seremban Jaya, 70450 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan.
Date of Death
4 Aug 2021 (农历六月二十六)
Funeral Date
6 Aug 2021
Special Note
The late Mr. Chua Tiow Eng is uncle of Sister Fu Yek Ming, who is Than Hsiang Lay Sangha.
( 已故蔡兆应先生是檀香在家僧团符月明师姐的舅舅)
NAMO AMITUOFO 东林佛号 (南无阿弥陀佛) by Imee Ooi 黄慧音

Zhu Nian for the late Mr. Seow Eng Lok

Zhu Nian Date/Time
8 Aug 2021 (8pm)
Deceased Name
Dr. Seow Eng Lok
Brother Seow Keng Seow – nephew
( 萧 子敬师兄 – 侄儿 )
Wake Address
No 5, Solok Jesselton, 10450 Georgetown, Penang.
Date of Death
6 Aug 2021 (六月二十八)
Funeral Date
Aug 2021
Special Note
The late Dr. Seow Eng Lok is Brother Chu Keng’s uncle, who is the Tan Qing team leader. Dr Seow is Consultant Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist of Island Hospital Penang。
( 已故萧永乐医生是槟榔医院内科医生。萧永乐医生是檀香在家僧团及檀青团长萧子敬的叔叔。)
NAMO AMITUOFO 东林佛号 (南无阿弥陀佛) by Imee Ooi 黄慧音