Zhu Nian for the Mr. Teh Ewe Chan

Zhu Nian Date/Time
11 Oct 2021 (8pm)
Deceased Name
Mr. Teh Ewe Chan (郑友灿居士)
Dr. Teh Ewe Eow – brother (郑友耀医生 – 弟弟 )
Wake Address
Leong San Tong Khoo Kongsi Funeral Parlour
2003, Thean Teik Hwy, Farlim, 11500 Air Itam, Penang.
Date of Death
10 October 2021
Funeral Date
12 October 2021
Special Note
The late Mr. Teh Ewe Chan is the brother of Dr. Teh Ewe Eow. Dr. Teh Ewe Eow is Than Hsiang Wan Ching Yuen volunteer doctor, Taiji member and one of the speaker of “Family Link Education Program” in relates of mental health organized by Than Hsiang Mitra social education group.
(已故郑友灿居士是 郑友耀医生的哥哥。 郑友耀医生是檀香晚晴苑的义务医生,太极组员及槟城檀香爱心福利中心承办多年的《家连家》精神健康课程主讲人之一 )
NAMO AMITUOFO 东林佛号 (南无阿弥陀佛) by Imee Ooi 黄慧音

2 Replies to “Zhu Nian for the Mr. Teh Ewe Chan”

  1. 阿彌陀佛🙏早晚课诵经念佛,恭念普门品诵经念佛、诵念佛号功德普皆回向给予已故郑友灿菩萨,愿佛光普照!业障消除,报土庄严,阿彌陀佛接引极乐莲邦!花开见佛!南摩阿彌陀佛🙏🙏🙏

  2. 阿彌陀佛🙏早晚课诵经念佛,恭念普门品诵经念佛、诵念佛号和线上助念诵经念佛、诵念佛号及闻法功德普皆回向给予已故郑友灿菩萨,愿佛光普照!业障消除,报土庄严,阿彌陀佛接引极乐莲邦!花开见佛!南摩阿彌陀佛🙏🙏🙏

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