Zhu Nian for the late Mr. Mak Chin Hai

Zhu Nian Date/Time
30 Nov 2021 (8pm)
Deceased Name
Mr. Mak Chin Hai
Sister Koh Bee Ling
Wake Address
Leong San Tong Khoo Kongsi Funeral Parlour
2003, Thean Teik Hwy, Farlim, 11500 Air Itam, Penang
Date of Death
29 Nov 2021
Funeral Date
1 Dec 2021
Special Note
The late Mr. Mak Chin Hai is the God uncle of Sister Koh Bee Ling. Sister Bee Ling is a member of Than Hsiang Lay Sangha and council member of the International Buddhist College. (已故麦振海 居士是高美玲师姐的乾叔叔. 美玲师姐是檀香在家僧团成员及国际佛教大学的理事。)
NAMO AMITUOFO 东林佛号 (南无阿弥陀佛) by Imee Ooi 黄慧音