Zhu Nian for The late Mdm Yap Kim Yong  

Zhu Nian Date/Time
  11 Aug 2023
Deceased Name
  The Late Mdm Yap Kim Yong  
  Chu Pau Chu (daughter)
Wake Address

Jalan Kaunselor 1, College Heights Garden Resort, 71700 Pajam, Negeri Sembilan.

(森美蘭 )

Date of Death
  10 Aug 2023
Funeral Date
  14 Aug 2023
Special Note
  The Late Mdm Yap Kim Yong is Venerable Zhen Yuan and Sister Chu Pau Chu’s mother. Ven.Zhen Yuan is TH Monastic Sangha and Director of Administrative Affairs of International Buddhist College, while Sister Pau Chu is the person in charge of Than Hsiang Pajam.(已故葉錦容居士为真愿法师以及朱宝珠师姐的母亲。真愿法师为檀香寺常住法师及国际佛教大学事务长,朱宝珠师姐则是巴音檀香学苑的负责人。)
NAMO AMITUOFO 东林佛号 (南无阿弥陀佛) by Imee Ooi 黄慧音


One Reply to “Zhu Nian for The late Mdm Yap Kim Yong  ”

  1. Dear Venerables, lay-Sangha members, all brothers and sisters, on behalf of my family members I express great gratitudes to everyone for the zhu nian services, thoughts extended to my beloved mom deceased. With all the blessings I am certain mom is in the good hand of the Amithaba Pureland.

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