Zhu Nian for The late Prof. Dr. Kapila Abhayawansa

Zhu Nian Date/Time
  31 Aug 2024 8.00pm
Deceased Name
  The late Prof. Dr. Kapila Abhayawansa
已故 Prof. Dr. Kapila Abhayawansa
   International Buddhist College (IBC)
Wake Address

Wat Yang Thong
Thung Mo, Sadao District, Songkhla 90240, Thailand
( 泰国

Date of Death
  31 Aug 2024 (农历七月廿八)
Funeral Date (出殡日期)   To be determined. (待确定)
Special Note (特别提示)   The late Prof. Dr. Kapila Abhayawansa was a distinguished Vice Rector and Professor at IBC.( 已故 Prof. Dr. Kapila Abhayawansa是泰国国际佛教大学副校长及资深教授。)
NAMO AMITUOFO 东林佛号 (南无阿弥陀佛) by Imee Ooi 黄慧音