Zhu Nian for the late Mr. Tan Lee Sin

Zhu Nian date
28 Sept Monday ( 星期一) 8pm
Deceased Name
Mr. Tan Lee Sin (陳履信老先生)
Miss Tan Lee Peng – Sister (陈履冰 -妹妹 )
Date of Death
27 Sept 2020 (农历八月十一日)
Funeral Date
29 Sept 2020
Wake Address
11 Gerbang Midlands ,10250 George Town, Penang, Malaysia.
Special Note
Mr. Tan Lee Sin is Wei Wu Shifu’s uncle (陳履信老先生是唯悟法师的舅舅)

8 Replies to “Zhu Nian for the late Mr. Tan Lee Sin”

  1. 早课“佛说阿弥陀经、大悲咒、心经”,弥陀名号悉数回向于已故陈履信老菩萨,祈愿弥陀接引往生西方极乐邦国,花开见佛悟无生,海池海会佛菩萨,阿弥陀佛!🙏🙏🙏

  2. 阿弥陀佛🙏早晚课和助念的功德回向予已故陈履信老菩萨,愿已故陈履信老菩萨佛光普照,业障消除,报土庄严,速往弥陀极乐莲花邦!花开见佛!南无阿弥陀佛🙏🙏🙏

  3. Sharing the merit of evening chanting with the late Mr. Tan Lee Sin. Pray he reborn in Western Pure Land with the blessing from Triple Gems.

  4. 爪夷祥云净苑常住众昨日晚课后把早晚二课功德回向陳履信老先生。愿生西方极乐世界,九品莲花为父母。阿弥陀佛。

  5. 阿弥陀佛🙏早晚课和助念的功德回向予已故陈履冰菩萨,愿已故陈履冰菩萨佛光普照,业障消除,脱离苦海,报土庄严,速往弥陀极乐莲花邦!花开见佛!南无阿弥陀佛🙏🙏🙏

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