In view of Movement Control Order (MCO) which started on 19th March 2020, our most respected Venerable Wei Wu is encouraging us to participate in the chanting at home and transfer the merit to the deceased. We are providing the following guide for anyone who wish to participate in ‘Zhu Nian’ remotely.
It is important for us to be mindful and focus on Amitabha Buddha during chanting. With the positive mind, we generate the positive energy by chanting together at the same time, and transfer the merit collectively to the deceased at the end of chanting. We pray for the deceased to take rebirth at Amitabha Buddha’s Western Pure Land or Land of Ultimate Bliss.

Step 1 – Start Zhu Nian @ 8:00 pm
- Recite “Homage to Fundamental Teacher Shakyamuni Buddha” (3 times)
- Recite “Homage to Amitabha Buddha”
三称 “南無本师释迦牟尼佛”
诵念 “南無阿彌陀佛“
– Duration of chanting is 30 mins and more.
– Click the video below to follow the chanting of ‘Homage to Amitabha Buddha’ by Zhen Dian Fashi, the Abbot of Than Hsiang.

Step 2 – Taking The Three Refuges
After chanting, we take refuge to Buddha, Dharma and Shangha.
- I take refuge in the Buddha, may all sentient beings to understand the great Doctrine and develop Bodhi Mind.
- I take refuge in the Dharma, may all sentient beings to penetrate the Sutra Pitaka and have wisdom as unfathomable as the ocean.
- I take refuge in the Sangha, may all sentient beings to harmonize the great assembly without any obstruction whatsoever.

Step 3 – Dedication of Merits
We dedicate the merits from our chanting or other practices to deceased by reading the verse below.
- We wish to be reborn in the Western Pure Land, with lotus blossoms, in nine orders, as parents.
- When the lotus blossoms fully, we shall see Buddha and be enlightened with the absolute truth, with never-retrogressive Bodhisattvas as our companions.
– If participant is a meditator or reciting of Sutra/Mantra as their main practice, they may dedicate the merits from such practice to the deceased.