Zhu Nian for Venerable Dao Yuan

Zhu Nian Date/Time
12/06/2020 (Friday) @ 8.00 pm
Deceased Name
Venerable Dao Yuan (道缘法师), 27 years old.
Sister Lilian Lee Wai Lian and Sister Sow Gaik Yen.
(Venerable Dao Yuan is Kalyanamitra of Sister Lilian and Sister Sow Gaik Yen 法师是李惠莲师姐及蘇奕燕师姐的善知识)
Wake Address
Vihara Prajna Shanti (报恩寺), Palembang, Indonesia (巨港, 印尼).
Date of Death (往生日期) 11 June 2020 Thursday (农历四月二十,星期四)
Funeral Date
14/06/2020 (Sunday) @ 11.00 am
Special Note
Venerable Dao Yuan is a student of International Buddhist College (道缘法师是国际佛教大学的学生)
南无阿弥陀佛 by Imee Ooi 黄慧音

Our Kalyanamitra, Venerable Dao Yaen (我们的善知识, 道缘法师)

  1. Venerable Dao Yuan’s temple (Vihara Prajna Shanti) and his master (Venerable Geng Shan) in Indonesia | 道缘法师的师父(耿善法师)及印尼寺院(报恩寺)
  2. International Buddhist College (IBC) new students orientation -26 July 2017 to 28 July 2017 | 国际佛教大学迎新日
  3. Student life in IBC 2017-2018 | 国际佛教大学生涯
  4. Congratulations to Ven. Dao Yuan for receiving Dean & Warden award 2017/2018 | 恭贺法师荣获学业优秀奖
  5. Visit the University Science of Malaysia 2018 | 参访马来西亚理科大学
  6. Than Hsiang primary students camp – 13 Dec 2018 to 16 Dec 2018 | 檀香寺儿童学佛成长营
  7. Participation in Seven Days Amitabha Recitation Retreat in Than Hsiang Temple – 24 Nov 2018 to 2 Dec 2018 | 法师参加檀香寺精进佛七
  8. Medical treatment (chemotherapy and radiotherapy) – 27 July 2018 to 4 Feb 2019 | 化疗及电疗
  9. “Chef” in action | 亲自下厨
  10. Dana by kalyanamitra to Venerable | 善知识供养法师
  11. Take a break | 放松心情
  12. Relaxation in Cameron Highlands – 2018 | 轻轻松松游金马伦高原
  13. Venerable’s family visit to Penang | 家属到槟城探望法师
  14. Kalyanamitra visits Venerable in Indonesia | 善知识到印尼探望法师
  15. Higher Ordination at Kek Lok Si Temple – 11 Nov 2019 – 6 Dec 2019 | 法师参加极乐寺三坛大戒
Our Kalyanamitra, Venerable Dao Yuan (video created by Venerable Silar)

Venerable Dao Yuan’s final journey in this life.

18 Replies to “Zhu Nian for Venerable Dao Yuan”

  1. Amituofo. I would like to share the merit of doing Dana at following places to the late Ven. Dao Yuan.
    (1) Pusat Jagaan Kebajikan Buddhist Than Hsiang Kedah 吉打檀香福利晚睛苑
    (2) Wan Ching Yuen Center Penang 槟城檀香晚睛苑
    (3) Penang Burmese Temple 槟城缅甸佛寺
    (4) Wat Chayamangkalaram Penang 槟城泰佛寺
    (5) Kek Lok Si Temple 极乐寺
    (6) Bai Yi Tang 白衣堂
    (7) Than Hsiang Temple 檀香寺

    I also would like to share the merit of morning chanting, evening chanting and 88 Buddha Repentance chanting with the late Ven. Dao Yuan.

    May the late Ven. Dao Yuan reborn in Western Pure Land and attain enlightenment.

  2. 愿將我做四十九天功課,功德及今日做放生功德回向道缘法师,愿道缘法师往生極乐凈土,花开見佛,乘愿再來,广度众生。阿弥陀佛。

  3. 阿弥陀佛🙏早晚课和助念的功德回向予已故释道缘法师,愿已故释道缘法师佛光普照,业障消除,报土庄严,弥陀接引极乐清净莲花邦!花开见佛!究竟成就佛道,乘愿回来,回入娑婆,普度有情众生!南无阿弥陀佛🙏🙏🙏

  4. 道缘法师今天四十九晚课过後真舍回向给法师功德圆满,阿弥陀佛🙏

  5. 阿弥陀佛🙏早课和今日受八关斋戒念佛的功德回向予已故释道缘法师,愿已故释道缘法师佛光普照,业障消除,报土庄严,速往弥陀极乐莲花净土,速证莲花品位,花开见佛!究竟成就佛道,乘愿回来,普度一切众生!南无阿弥陀佛🙏🙏🙏

  6. 阿弥陀佛🙏早晚课和助念的功德回向予已故释道缘法师,愿已故释道缘法师佛光普照,业障消除,报土庄严,速往弥陀极乐莲花净土,速证莲花品位,花开见佛!究竟成就佛道,乘愿回来,普度一切众生!南无阿弥陀佛🙏🙏🙏

  7. 阿弥陀佛🙏早晚课和普门品的念佛功德回向予已故释道缘法师,愿已故释道缘法师佛光普照,业障消除,报土庄严,解脱苦海,速往弥陀极乐莲花净土,速证莲花品位,花开见佛!南无阿弥陀佛🙏🙏🙏

  8. 念佛功德迴向道缘法师,愿道缘法师往生阿弥陀佛極乐淨土,乘愿再來,廣度众生。阿弥陀佛。恭敬頂礼。🙏🙏🙏

  9. Amituofo. It was day number 7th on the 17th June 2020.

    May the Amitabha Buddha and the holy ones, carrying the platform of gold, come and meet Ven Dao Yuan. May Ven Dao Yuan reborn in Western Paradise.

  10. May the merits accrued by late Venerable Dao Yuan good deeds would bring him to be reborn in Land of Ultimate Bliss. 🙏🙏🙏

  11. Lim Sai Hong, [13.06.20 00:20]
    念佛功德回向道缘法师,祈愿法师早登极乐,亲近弥陀,乘愿再來,广度一切众生,南无阿弥陀佛 !

    Yu Pik Er, [13.06.20 06:57]
    阿弥陀佛🙏早课念佛的功德回向予道缘法师, 愿道缘法师佛光普照,业障消除,自在安乐,彼佛接引往生清净弥陀莲花土,花开见佛!南无阿弥陀佛🙏🙏🙏

    Eng Lu, [13.06.20 09:17]
    “Sharing the merits through mediation practice and mantra chanting with Ven. Dao Yuan and Lee Hock Chee. May he be free from suffering in this samsara. May he be blessed with Triple Gem, and take rebirth in Amitabha Buddha’s Pureland” 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    Siew Heng Yeap, [13.06.20 09:17]


    Yew Foo Guat, [13.06.20 10:51]

    kankamon Siripunyaporn, [13.06.20 12:56]
    R.I.P. ,Wish Ven Dao Yuan to take rebirth in Pureland.

  12. Chan Wai Cheng, [12.06.20 20:14]
    念佛功德回向于道缘法师,祈愿法师随缘往生西方极乐浄土,早日乘愿再來广度众生 ! 阿弥陀佛!

    Aw She Teck 胡思德, [12.06.20 20:32]

    Ivy Lau, [12.06.20 20:40]
    念佛功德回向于道缘法师,祈愿法师往生西方极乐浄土,花开见佛,早日乘愿再來广度众生 ! 阿弥陀佛!🙏🙏🙏

    国宾 邢, [12.06.20 20:44]

    Siew Heng Yeap, [12.06.20 20:46]

    Gaik Yen, [12.06.20 21:14]

    Eng Lu, [12.06.20 21:17]
    May Venerable Dao Yuan free from suffering and take rebirth in Amitabha’s Pure Land.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    Teh Gin Khuan, [12.06.20 21:21]
    念佛功德回向于道缘法师,祈愿法师随缘往生西方极乐浄土,早日乘愿再來广度众生 ! 阿弥陀佛!

    Hwang Hooi Sim, [12.06.20 21:26]

    Yu Pik Er, [12.06.20 21:29]

    Ang Mua Ee, [12.06.20 21:35]

    Ooi Poh Wah, [12.06.20 22:56]

  13. [6/12, 10:36 PM] Ven Zhen She:

    [6/12, 4:40 AM] Ven Zhen Nian:
    May Ven Dao Yuan take a good rebirth in the Western Pureland of Amitabha.
    We pray and transfer merits to him.🙏🙏🙏

    [6/12, 7:05 AM] Bee Yuen:
    May Ven Dao Yuan rebirth in Pureland of Amitabha🙏🙏🙏

    [6/12, 7:39 AM] Gaik Kee:

    [6/12, 9:19 AM] Soon Ee Chang:
    May Ven. Dao Yuan will gain rebirth in Amitoufo pure land. Amitoufo🙏🙏🙏

    Sister Guat Ngoh, [12.06.20 23:13]
    Namo Buddhaya, pray Ven. Dao Yuan will gain good Rebirth 🙏🏻😌

  14. It’s sad that Ven. Dao Yuan had left us but we are relieved that he has ended his suffering in this Samsara world. May Venerable take rebirth in Pure Land. Amituofo

  15. Ven. Wei Wu,
    It’s a relief that Ven. Dao Yuan is freed from the suffering of sickness. May he reborn in the Pure Land

    Ven. Zhen Nian, [12.06.20 00:02]
    Amituofo. May Ven Dao Yuan take a good rebirth in the Western Pureland of Amitabha.
    We pray and transfer merits to him.🙏🙏🙏

    Tan Kim Nai, [12.06.20 03:05]
    Namo Amituofo 🙏🙏🙏

    Chew Kien Boon, [12.06.20 06:11]
    May Venerable Dao Yuan take rebirth in Lord Amitabha Buddha’s pureland.

    Ven Zhenyuan., [12.06.20 06:18]
    Dear Sis Gaik Yen amituofo. In our morning and evening chanting we will transfer the merits to Ven. May Ven take rebirth in Pure Land. Amituofo zy

    Yu Pik Er, [12.06.20 06:56]

    Ven. Zhen Xin, [12.06.20 07:17]
    Jawi XYJY had transfer the merits of our morning chanting for Ven to be reborned in Western pureland, no more suffering. Amituofo

    Boi Sim, [12.06.20 07:38]

    Teh Gin Khuan, [12.06.20 07:29]
    May Venerable Dao Yuan take rebirth in Lord Amitabha Buddha’s pureland.

    Teh Gin Khuan, [12.06.20 07:31]
    May Venerable Dao Yuan take rebirth in Lord Amitabha Buddha’s pureland.

    sweetin tan, [12.06.20 07:32]
    愿道缘法师往生西方极乐净土 。🙏🙏🙏

    Ven. Zhen Ru, [12.06.20 07:40]

    Chan Wai Cheng, [12.06.20 08:35]

    Leow Chye Hee, [12.06.20 08:43]
    May Venerable Dao Yuan take rebirth in Amitabha Pureland.
    Amituofo 🙏

    Siew Heng Yeap, [12.06.20 09:11]
    祈愿道缘法师往生西方极乐净土,花开见佛,乘愿再来广度众生!阿弥陀佛! 🙏🙏🙏 叶秀欣

    Chang SE, [12.06.20 09:27]
    May Ven. Dao Yuan rebirth in Amitoufo pureland to continue
    unfinish Buddistsm journey in this life…. 🙏🙏🙏

    Khoo Ban Tong, [12.06.20 09:58]

    Siew Heng Yeap, [12.06.20 10:03]

    Ven. Zhen Xin, [12.06.20 10:04]
    祥云净苑僧团,念佛共修后将结夏安居 的念佛与闻法功德回向道缘法师,往生极乐净土。阿弥陀佛

    Siew Ai Cheong, [12.06.20 10:04]

    Lim Peng Theam, [12.06.20 10:16]

    Bhikkhu Rahula, [12.06.20 10:29]
    I am deeply saddened by the news. I wish him a good rebirth. We will transfer merits for him during our evening chanting.

    AYTH, [12.06.20 10:53]
    NamoBuddhaya 🙏

    Lim Sai Hong-Than Hsiang, [12.06.20 14:09]
    祈愿道缘法师往生极乐,花开见佛,乘愿再來广度众生 ! 阿弥陀佛!

    Bro. Wong,

    [6/12, 7:00 AM] Soh Moy Tan:

    [6/12, 7:02 AM] Bee Bee Lim:

    [6/12, 7:07 AM] Chew Keat Tan:

    [6/12, 7:07 AM] Gaik Eu Eng:

    [6/12, 7:10 AM] Wooi Jit Lam:

    [6/12, 7:21 AM] Be Hong Lim (Wei Fang):
    愿道缘法师往生西方净土,阿弥陀佛 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    [6/12, 7:33 AM] Siew Heng Yeap:
    祈愿道缘法师往生西方极乐净土,花开见佛,乘愿再来广度众生!阿弥陀佛! 🙏🙏🙏

    [6/12, 7:34 AM] Guitar Hui Chew:

    [6/12, 8:10 AM] Willey Zhan Wei, Khaw 展玮:

    [6/12, 8:10 AM] Siew Khim SDS Mama:

    [6/12, 8:44 AM] Hooi Hooi 邱慧慧:

    [6/12, 8:45 AM] Rou Yi Leow 柔薏:

    [6/12, 8:49 AM] Chu Keng Seow:
    祈愿道缘法师往生西方净土 .. amtf🙏🙏🙏…

    [6/12, 8:49 AM] Lean See 莲丝:

    [6/12, 9:02 AM] Elaine Zi En 博子恩:
    愿道缘法师往生西方净土,阿弥陀佛 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    [6/12, 9:35 AM] Xin Wei, Wong 欣薇:

    [6/12, 10:28 AM] Saw Hwa Khor:
    愿道缘法师往生西方净土,阿弥陀佛 !🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    [6/12, 11:31 AM] Chew Keat Tan:

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